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About A Mother's Heartbeat

Mothers are typically considered the glue that holds everyone together. But what is holding her together and keeping her charged? What is refilling her cup daily? As women, we can become so physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually bankrupt that we begin to  feel overwhelmed, hopeless, and frustrated. Instead of living, we are just merely existing and lose sight of God’s will for our lives.  As a result, our issues, the things that we try to bury deep within our souls eventually resurface and  spill over into our sphere of influence which is our families and communities.



Having a healthy heart rhythm is critical for maintaining good health, but when our heartbeat is irregular due to life stressors, we need to see the Great Physician (our Heavenly Father) for a checkup so that He can diagnose us and provide the right Prescription (the word of God). To be the woman God has called us to be, we must  surrender everything to Him, abide in His love,  and allow Him to heal and mend whatever is broken inside of us. 



The mission of A Mother’s Heartbeat is to help mothers and young women discover the heart of God by using His word to renew her mind and transform her life so that the rhythm of her heartbeat can match His. When she truly understands God’s love for her and who she is in Christ, she can begin to live life victoriously and with purpose! She will no longer have to pour out from a dry well and as a result her loved ones will receive the best version of her. When women  have a solid foundation, it starts a ripple effect that leads to stronger mothers, stronger children, and stronger communities.

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Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will



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